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From the Burpple community

An authentic Thai meal wouldn't be complete without Tom Yum Soup! Loved this - intense flavours, super spicy, super sour. I'm salivating just remembering it... yumms.


This is super greasy, super sinful, but tasty. I like the beans sprouts, added a different dimension to the dish. Wish they had some vinegar-chilli side dip!


Since colleague did the ordering again, I don't know what's this, only that it's some kind of fried fish. I dubbed it "fish penyet" lol... very crispy skin, it's like munching on chips. I would have preferred more sauce or gravy to go with it though...

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... on a warm evening. Sweet and chilled coconut juice while waiting for dinner to be served.

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Haven't had lunch since touch-down. Another short business trip, but glad to have colleagues with me this time. Seafood dinner! This place seems to be packed with Korean and Japanese tourists.... hmmm...

Fresh sea bass with nice spicy & sour sauce. Please be caution not to be con by the local tuk tuk to the infamous somboon dee. It's a imitation that charge a lot higher on the food.

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