Cafes In Bugis
This dessert comes with 3 mochi donut balls, soft serve (which has two flavours to choose from- cookie butter, or a flavour that changes weekly), some cereal, and a cute little gingerbread man. The donut balls burst when we cut into them, and dark earl grey lava flowed out. The lava is sweeter than I thought it would be, while the cookie butter soft serve is milder than I expected, yet the two flavours worked really well together. It was not overwhelmingly sweet unlike most desserts I’ve tried, making it not so gelat. Do note that they do not operate on Tuesdays though! The first time we went (which was a Tuesday), we were really disappointed to find out that it was not open.
Overall rating: 8/10
Level 2 Burppler · 1 Reviews
Dessert over main course. All day, any day.