Duck.... duck.... GOOSE! Peking Duck is not the only must-have dish to be found in Hongkong! Head on over to Central and just a few blocks over in the direction of Lan Kwai Fong is Yung Kee -- home to this delicious dish and more! A whole order of goose and a side of seasonal veggies cooked in garlic and you are good to go! Warning though, the waiting time for a table averages to an hour give or take. So be sure you don't enter the place famished or you may just pass out waiting. Tip for the big groups: best you split up into smaller groups so as to make it easier to get a table since turnover time is not that bad. I always make it a point to visit this place on every single visit to HK, and I can say that the food and this goose in particular is most certainly worth the wait!