Established in August 2013 by Li Xia and her business partner, this brand is known for serving affordable and delicious bowls of noodles.
Their battered dory fish fillets are the most popular, crispy outside soft inside, with savoury sweet salty flavour.
The thick flat noodles are chewy grainy sweet, the bean sprouts are crisp vegetal sweet, the fish cake is springy sweet savoury, and the braised chicken egg is bouncy eggy salty herbal sweet.
The crunchy tender 5 spice roll carries savoury salty herbal earthy flavour. The braising gravy is starchy gloopy thick, made with 7 different herbs, splash of black vinegar, chunky sambal belacan, scoop of minced garlic, fresh coriander, lend savoury herbal salty sweet spice flavour.
Lor Mee
Ma Bo Lor Mee
@ Albert Centre Market And Food Centre, 270 Queen Street #01-67
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