My favourite kuehs from @ahyeessoonkueh !
This is my 4th time eating their kuehs! This time round i bought them from the app as there was a flash sale!!
Featured here are the following kuehs, ranked in order of my preference
🌟Yam Kueh: my number 1 favourite!! Would have bought more but there was a cap of max 4 quantity for each item. I love this so much as there is shredded yam and pumpkin in the kueh! Super flavourful!
🌟Yam Cake: If you prefer more yam, get this! This tasted super nice when panfried!!
🌟 Pumpkin Cake: first time trying this too and it was quite nice! But yam cake still more preferred for me
🌟 Soon Kueh: i am typically not a fan of soon kueh, but my family loves it
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