Maybe I have been unlucky when it comes to “Poon Choi” but I have never come across one that has gotten me excited. As such, I had developed a notion of it being a dish with rather pricey ingredients braised into the bland boredom of a singular tasting note, coupled with two kinds of textures - mushy and mildly rubbery.
However, I have Malaysian relatives to thank for introducing me to the “Poon Choi” at East Ocean Seafood Restaurant in Ipoh. The rendition here was so good, I eagerly reached out for second and third helpings.
To me, their gravy seemed extra flavourful and rich. Also, the pot packed a mind-boggling array of premium ingredients such as extremely tender, large whole abalones, sea cucumber, dried oysters, chunky cuts of roasted pork belly, mushrooms and more. It was pure decadence done deliciously.
Such a feast naturally needs time to prepare, so do note that orders for this must be placed days in advance.