Here, the concept of salad bowls are pretty fun because apart from having suggested combinations of ingredients, you get to choose and pick whatever you fancy with very hip and cool stuff that's unlike most salad bars. My choice of ingredients were Quinoa, Grilled Striploin Steak, Furikake, Wild Mushrooms, Apple Kimchi, Bean Sprout Salad and Asian Gravy; a combination which I only realized after ordering that was very Chinese/Japanese/Korean. Quinoa was soft, fluffy but they could have done better in the processing of it for there were parts of it which were sandy and gritty, spoiling the texture of the salad. Grilled Striploin Steak is well-grilled, tender but a little gamey (though not disturbing) with a little fat around the corners to chew. Wild Mushrooms were earthy and flavourful, while the Apple Kimchi felt really unique for how it delivered that familiar fermented yet spicy flavour but introduced a juicy, sweet crunchiness. Bean Sprout Salad is served cold, crunchy with a bit of savoury and the Asian gravy was somewhat like a caramalised onion sauce with a hint of vinegar which is sweet yet tangy. Furikake adds spiciness and umami flavours to the dish. All in all this was a salad bowl I enjoyed thoroughly, and it's not only because it's a combination of ingredients I personally enjoy and hand picked, but their ingredients are rather quality choices which are different and rather unconventional of usual salad outfits in the area.