In all honesty this is easily among the best croissants I’ve tasted. Just by touch you can feel just how puffy and light it is, boasting a good height too, which is the first win in my books. Lamination on the exterior is on point, its beautiful golden and crackly layers literally shattering upon touch. You can see very clearly just how light and airy the crumb is, really easy to eat, not heavy or overly filling, and all the more addictive to me — sorry chewy croissant fans this prolly ain’t for you. It’s also got the lovely, mandatory buttery fragrance; though personally I’d prefer it to be even more buttery, with a touch more whiff of yeast. But yknow I guess that also helps keep it light. Big fan of that sticky/wet/soft sort of centre that’s very similar to the dough stuck on the hotdogs of your local bakeries’ hotdog buns, even though I know that means the croissant’s a tad under-baked ahahahhaha. I also see specks in the dough, not sure if that’s wholemeal flour or something but I can definitely taste a mild nuttiness which I do enjoy. Major thumbs up to them for baking their croissants in small batches too cause that means you’re always getting a fresh, hot, crisp one. I snagged a freshly baked one myself and it was dope af 👌🏻🤤