No queue on Thursday night 9pm. Ordered ajitama shio soba. Lovely truffle oil aroma. The soup was quite salty, since I opted for the original version. I thot it was a very simple, humble taste, until I tried the char siu. I'm not a fan of char siu and usually exchange them with hubby's ajitama. But this one looked different. And wow it was fantastic! Bouncy and chewy in my mouth. No foul porky taste. I finished mine and stole some more from hubby. A first for me. That char siu definitely was worth the star. So besotted with the char siu that I forgot my ajitama. Left it in the steaming soup till almost the end. I was dismayed that it prob had turned into a hard boiled egg at that point. But no! It still had a wonderfully soft jelly centre. Give this egg another star!

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