Finally went down to Nasty Cookie after months of oogling over their cookies on Instagram. Back then, they didn't have a shop to sell their cookies and the only way you could purchase them was online.

Had their Premium flavour, a Reese's cup cookie, injected with Marshmallow filling and a soft serve, courtesy of Chope's discount voucher. Now I was pleasantly surprised, this cookie isn't cloying at all. It's a pretty well balanced cookie. The outside has a light crisp, and the inside is a little chewy and gooey; I.e. fudgey.

As for the soft serve, you DEFINITELY could do without it. Basically a really non creamy and light vanilla ice cream. Trust me when I say this, Mcdonald's soft serve is wayyyyy better than this. I feel that it numbs the flavour of the cookie rather than complement it. Can't really taste much marshmallow in the cookie, probably because of the soft serve 🤔.

Overall, a positive experience but I feel it's rather gimmicky. Definitely not worth the price if not for the Chope deal I got. Still good though, and staff were very friendly and helpful.

Rating: 3/5

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