Pizza Hut always comes up with different types of pizza before any special occasions. I have always had a soft spot for their cheesy crust, cheesy pull generally anything involving the taste of chewy cheese in/on flour. Pizza Hut is not what I will describe as delicious pizza. It is simply carbs in a better day. Any shop that does delivery is fit for those looking to chill and they know to have various promotions to fit 2-3 px and a large group.

This latest offering comes in two variations, Extreme and Original. Without finding the need to read, I went for the Extreme. A true cheese love will go the extra calories for cheese. The big cheesy box is suited for 3-4 pax but is really just 2 for this glutton queen. Curry baked pasta tasted somewhat bitter and definitely a bad choice. All other sides were acceptable. With the miserable single pack of parmesan and chili flakes topping, I was able to coat one single slice. In all honesty the pizza puff was daunting as it looked somewhat like a soup bowl with the bread on top. After tasting it, I was pleasantly surprised the crust had this bo lo bao taste. Who knew a little bit of sweet actually does wonders. The cheese was not the mozzarella cheddar mix as with their pull series, I was slightly disappointed. How do I feel about pineapples on pizzas? Prefer not to have but would not explicitly reject. Not as cheesy as expected, dislike cherry tomato on pizza. These babies are best eaten as they are, uncooked. First and last pizza hut of the year. Felt really full from all that excess carbs. Pizza should always be the one and many things in a meal forgo the rest of the useless carbs. Life is too short to not eat good food!