I'm a huge fan of fish soup, which to me is tasty, healthy, and easy on my tummy. And I'm always searching for good ones to rotate around.
Swee Min brought me to this stall yesterday, and I like it enough to come here again today. The batang is fresh, and served in a clear soup that's flavoured by ι…Έθœ and ε››ε·θœ, yet these weren't too strong so that the subtle flavours of the soup due to the use of fish bones and tomatoes is still evident. (This means that it's very different from the Arcade fish soup which also uses ε››ε·θœ).
And interestingly, you can order braised duck and their parts as side dishes (swipe to see an additional side dish of braised duck). I like to have my rice with the braising gravy!
Ng Soon Kee Fish & Duck Porridge
Blk 117
Aljunied Crescent Ave 2
Unit 01-11
Singapore 380117
12pm to 9pm, closed Sundays

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