Kaki Fuyong is pretty much a terminology that we haven’t quite heard about ever after the passing of our days in Ngee Ann Polytechnic — if one was ever a student during the time which we were so at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, it is pretty much impossible to have not heard about this term. That being said, Kaki Fuyong is quite a rare find out of campuses all around; Singapore — the idea of Kaki Fuyong being pretty much a school student go-to is pretty cemented by this fact. It is definitely surprising to hear about the opening of the new Osa Kaki Fuyong; a new stall that had opened in rather close proximity of Ngee Ann Polytechnic which Kaki Fuyong is so closely affiliated to — Osa Kaki Fuyong takes over the former stall that has been vacated by Beauty World Wanton Noodle, which is located at the food centre at the top of Beauty World Centre. The establishment centres itself over Kaki Fuyong; while those familiar with what Kaki Fuyong is would probably know that there is only one variant of the dish, it is interesting to know how Osa Kaki Fuyong serves up Kaki Fuyong with various meat options and styles. For instance, Osa Kaki Fuyong serves up Kaki Fuyong with meat options such as Beef, Salmon, Fried Fish and Ebi Fry; apart from the classic variant which sees brown sauce drizzled over the omelette and meat, Osa Kaki Fuyong also serves up its own rendition of the dish such as a Classic Curry Fuyong and a Kimcheese Fuyong as well — all featuring the same meat options as the classic variant itself.

The idea of having Kaki Fuyong after graduating from tertiary education without having to return to the campus got us really excited to say the least, but it is needless to say that it was difficult not to find ourselves being enticed by their unique interpretations of Kaki Fuyong that they have to offer. We eventually found ourselves going for the Chicken Karaage Kimcheese Fuyong w Rice — it felt as though we were missing the point if we were to opt for a meat option other than Chicken Kaarage considering that is usually the only meat option that would be served in a Kaki Fuyong elsewhere, though it was interesting to see how Osa Kaki Fuyong serves up a spruced up version of this dish that we grew up with by adding kimchi and cheese to it. For those whom are unfamiliar with the Kaki Fuyong, the Kaki Fuyong is essentially a dish featuring an omelette served atop a hotplate, with chunks of fried chicken being laid over the egg. These would be drizzled with a dense and slightly sweet brown sauce over them, while it also comes accompanied with a bowl of white rice on the side to go along.

Going by how Osa Kaki Fuyong has executed their Kaki Fuyong, the Chicken Karaage Kimcheese Fuyong w Rice was served in the manner that we know Kaki Fuyong to be — in fact, we did feel that the quality of the Chicken Karaage used in the rendition of the dish here was way better than that or what we are used to. If anything, the Chicken Karaage did not feel like the cheap sort where panko crumbs were used for the breading; the batter here is definitely crisp, though does somewhat soaks up a bit of the sauce so it is best to be enjoyed while hot. The chicken chunks seem to be coated with a bit of Gochujang (i.e. Korean chili paste) for a sweet note with a very light spicy kick; this complimented the lightly spicy tang that came from the kimchi that also added a refreshing crunch. The omelette bears a somewhat runny consistency at the start, though it gets more throughly cooked over time with crisp edges forming up; the addition of cheese does add a slight savouriness and a bit of a stringy texture in the middle of the omelette, though much of the flavours do seem to come from the Gochujang and the brown sauce that typically comes with Kaki Fuyong. Needless to say, a dish that brought us a trip down the memory lane yet with a unique twist of their own — one that we most certainly enjoyed. Prices of the various Kaki Fuyong dishes across all categories are between $6.50 to $7.50 — a rather affordable dining option that is worth considering if one is at Beauty World; also a spot that one should make a visit to for those whom are looking to relive those student years through memories created by the food that they once had.