Add charcoal to anything and it'll immediately look more appealing. Bought an offer on FAVE where a fabulous cup of Dofu with 5 toppings costs only $4.90 (U.P. $5.60)! If you're in for a frozen treat, get a full cup of ice cream; but if you're more into textures, get a cup with half ice cream and half pudding. I got the latter, and while it was good (pudding was soft and silky), my happy heart died a little when I dug into the less cold pudding after having the ice-cold portion on top.

Both the ice cream and pudding were very mildly sweet (which I love), but they sadly lack the soy fragrance that Mr Bean's products have. I would also recommend having your wet toppings (such as fruits and jelly pops) in the middle and the dry ones (such as nuts) on top to prevent the latter from getting soaked. For a truly healthy treat, opt for their healthier toppings such as fruits & nuts and avoid the candies.