First time trying the food in this chain and I LOVE IT. Can't believe my mum hasn't tried the food in this chain either!
When you first sit down, they give you a complementary plate of sliced guava with orange peel, which I love oh so very much. We ordered the 'Dried Scallop and Petite Abalone Mixed Rice'. It was so surprisingly good! The mixed rice itself comes in a hot stone pot, and it also comes with a small bowl of soup.
The mixed rice was kind of like in between porridge and rice, in the sense that the rice was soft but not mush, drenched in some soup-gravy thing. It wasn't too thick at all, just perfect! There was probably like 10 mini abalones in there, along with scallops and chopped up mushrooms. I mean come on, all this for RM19.90?? (RM23.20 after taxes and all that ish) The side soup was light and sweet, all from the 小白菜, straw mushrooms, gooseberries and shiitake mushroom. I honestly don't think they use MSG, it was all very light and very very hearty. I don't quite know how to explain, you just have to try it for yourself, especially if you're not feeling very well. An instant perk-me-up! Definitely coming back for more!