Not inclusive of pita (grilled flatbread w oregano) at $4/serving.

Dips include (from top to bottom)
1. Taramosata- cured cod roe, onions, lemons
2. Melizanosalata - smoked eggplants, roasted red peppers, walnuts
3. Tyrokafteri - feta, red peppers, chili, Greek yoghurt
4. Tzatziki - Greek yoghurt, cucumber, garlic, dill

Favorite dip would def be the Melizanosalata! It’s the only chunky dip. But the fun part of the platter is for the variety and alternating the dips. How love unique and refreshing the dips are. Especially the Tzatziki, which has little cubes of cucumber in it with a creamy tangy yoghurt base.