Assorted canelé le patisseries 👄👄 they are described as "petit french pastries flavored with _____ with a soft & tender custard center, crust being a dark, thick and if I may add a krispy krustt"... They're shaped like agar2 too? Top-down: Mediterranean (Orange Zest 🍊 & Grand marnier), Framboise (Raspberry & Raspberry brandy), Irish (Coffee ☕️ & Whiskey) and finally Traditional (Vanilla bean & Rum); lotsa foreign named atas ingredients there, just see, refer & transfer 😁😁😅😜😝😛 Titles ✅ now about how they tasted & fared (following top-down sequence again, u gotta pay attention! 😏 ): orange zest with a lil nilla custard, rasp-berry custard, pretty tasty 💄💋 coffee candyish, nobadd at all 😎☕️️ whiskey with a hint of vanilla excusez moi while I pardon myself to the bathroom 🙊🙊 found the whiskey a lil too strong 😅 3 different sizes: Cocktail 🍸(petit) $1.80, Medium $3.50 & Grand $5.50! Up to your purse 👛 madamme! 💁🏻