For a special delivery this time, I reigned in my insane desire to have 2 pints of Blue Milk and decided to give The Bounty a go. That’s coconut ice cream, with toasted desiccated coconut and dark chocolate chips folded in — SO GOOD. The base is creamy yet light, boasting the fabulously buttery and fruity profile of coconut without being too in-your-face; people who aren’t the biggest fans of coconut (like L) would still like it. The desiccated coconut actually carries most of the coconut flavour, adding a lovely crunch and nuttiness. I’d say The Bounty comes this close to dethroning Blue Milk’s top spot in my heart — but just close. If you don’t have a good buddy armed with a car and willing to send you some ice cream goodness, Apiary’s also doing deliveries right now; deets on their ig.