With over 70 years of history, this legendary stall has cultivated a loyal following for their Chinese Teochew style braised duck (no, they no longer sell goose ever since it was banned in Singapore).
The secret is in the sauce - a dark, unctuous blend of soy and herbs, potent and robust with salty savoury herbal earthy flavour. Best paired with fluffy white rice.
Their duck is sliced thick, firm yet tender with a deep taste of the gravy, yet you still distinctly taste the natural meaty savoury flavour of the duck. Good fatty to lean ratio. Served with crunchy sliced cucumbers whose vegetal sweet notes contrast nicely.
Completed with a robust warm broth made with the same delicious braising gravy as the base.
Duck Rice
Heng Gi Goose And Duck Rice
@ Tekka Centre, 665 Buffalo Road #01-335
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