Finally made the return to Tekka Centre for the very first time since Phase 2; decided to go for this since it’s been quite a long time since I have last had it considering the usual queues and then being seemingly closed on the days when I make my visit there.

While some may lament the fact that they do not serve their Braised Duck Rice with Yam Rice here, the white rice allows their braised sauce and the accompanying chili to shine. The meat that is served on the day that this photo was taken was a little bit on the boney side, though there are times that they are pretty plump and meaty — that being said, I always liked how their duck has always been tender and succulent without any undesirable gaminess and grainy texture; all savoury whilst drenched in their delicious braised gravy that is saltish enough but with a clean finish and hints of the various spices used in its preparation. The braised gravy is so enjoyable I often find myself drenching the rice with the remaining gravy, which works great with their chili that pairs well with the gravy being all zippy and carrying a sourish tang that resets the taste buds.

Comes with a bowl of soup on the side as well (not pictured), which provides a slight herbal note that is pretty refreshing for those who enjoy such soups too!