Simpang Bedok is commonly known as a supper place where tons of prata houses including the famous Spize is located. Now you can add Burning Oak into the Simpang Bedok food list. Located at the former old hawker centre behind Spize which is now revamped with many other concept stalls, the Burning Oak serves bloody good cow meat! The gyudon and Porkcheek combo is a must try! The wagyu beef is tender beyond belief and the pork cheeks needless to say, taste even more tender than butt cheeks ;) Owner claims that the beef is slow-cooked in a vacuum container for 24hrs to bring out the tenderness of the there early cuz they sell out fast! 超好吃的牛排豬肉飯!慢熬的牛肉以及鬆軟的豬肉嫩到融化在嘴裡!甜味爆慘了!大量推薦大家去品嚐!