NOM Bistro and Bakery has got to be one of the very few cafes opened at a community club. Its signature Rainbow Cake has been the star of many Instagram pictures which has definitely induced drool from any self loving person.

Painted in vibrant hues of 7 colours, NOM's rendition of the classic rainbow cake is nothing but a pretty picture. Throwing away the notion that rainbow cakes are nothing but food colouring, NOM steps in and adds flavour to their cakes, pairing it with Oreo, Salted Caramel and Cookie Batter to further induce drools.

I went with the Salted Caramel variant and was delightfully surprised because it met my expectations all right. Moist, fluffy, light and sweet, the cake was pure decadence and something you cannot say no to. I was half expecting the salted caramel to be cloying halfway through but i was proven wrong. It was so light that one person can definitely finish it. This is me speaking after wolfing down their Beer Battered Fish n Chips just 5 minutes before.

Do drop by Macpherson Community Club to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow 🌈🌈