Indie spots serving up Hainanese Kaya Butter Toast is probably one thing that I just get a little too excited about — now thinking back about it, I wasn’t probably hungry, but was fairly tempted enough to find myself plonking down on a seat at Hainan Second Street just to have a Kaya Bun before starting the shopping session proper at IMM Mall.

It’s a little difficult to resist ordering the Kaya Bun — something about UFO buns just make Hainanese Kaya Toasts feel more “authentic” ever over the more popular brown toasts that other joints tend to favour these days. The UFO buns have their own appeal here — it’s less dense the ones used at some other places; leads to a more fluffy and lighter bread, though some may argue that this feels less toasty around the edges than they would prefer. That being said, this one does carry that lingering sweetness that one would usually associate with bread rolls that some neighbourhood bakeries churn out — strangely alluring especially with that thin but evenly spread coconut jam (nothing artisanal here though; seemingly commercial) over the top and that slab of salted butter over the top. And if you think that just about it for the Hainanese breakfast experience here, there’s the option to add butter to your Kopi here for that silky smooth experience to the Nanyang-style cuppa that some have grew to love — opt for the set for the soft-boiled eggs to be served on the side as well.

Hainan Second Street attempts to bring back the Hainanese delicacies of the good old days — a concept that brings back the iconic dishes that were typically served in Hainanese-owned eateries and coffeeshops of the past; think Paper Cut Curry Rice, Sweet & Sour Chicken/Pork Chops, Hainan Chicken and even Steamboat Sets. A spot that those who are into heritage Hainanese fare should check out.

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