Tucked away along Changi Road is a small, unpretentious bistro that sells some of the best Peranakan food I’ve ever had in Singapore.
Rumah Baba Fred’s menu changes weekly so do check in on their Facebook to see what’s cooking.

We were initially there to buy their rice dumplings but couldn’t help give their food a try and it was so so good!

We started off by trying their Lontong, which tasted every thing Lontong should be. It is rich and and extremely lemak (coconuty) and feels like something your Baba Grandmother would whip up during the festive season.
The only thing we felt that was a bit pedestal was the meat patty it came . It didn’t taste like much and didn’t quite go with the Lontong.

Next up was the Mee Siam.
The mee Siam was bursting with flavor and unlike anything we’ve every had before. Every bite just made you feel like having more. Everything was well balanced without each ingredient overpowering each other.

Everything we had that day had soul and you could feel the amount of love that went into each and every dish.

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