This really hip-looking cafe shows no trace of its past; probably the only thing that is obvious was the signboard that is retained from the previous tenant. It takes over an old coffeeshop that had started here ever since the estate was around, which also used to house a rather famed Prawn Noodle stall in here. Other items such as the artwork in the cafe featuring old calendars and a weighing scale in its toilet also gives a nod to the past. Despite so, the menu is rather western, featuring salads, all-day brunch and desserts as well as coffee made using the Throwback blend by Papa Pahelta. Go for the waffles if you are here; the Buttermilk is fragrant at its best even though its not even stated in the menu, and for those interested in savoury waffles they also serve them with Fried Chicken, which is also one of their specialties.

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