Had been passing by this stall for quite some time whenever I am at Marine Parade/Tanjong Katong and been wanting to try them, considering they have pretty rave reviews on Instagram (despite only having a few posts) on their Tom Yum Seafood Pasta and I am really glad I finally got around to try this.
The Tom Yum Grilled Chicken Pasta is not listed as an item on the menu (the Tom Yum Seafood Pasta has a place on the menu), but one can easily mix and match the pasta here by choosing the sauce and "patty" option that is on the list. No regrets at all; the Tom Yum comes unadulterated here with its full on tanginess and punchy spiciness that laces around the al-dente noodles — absolutely shiok, along with the smoky grilled chicken pieces. I would probably say it's the most value-for-money Tom Yum Pasta out there, given it's just $7 at a food court (the same one that houses Roxy Laksa in Roxy Square), and even probably the best Tom Yum Pasta one can get here!