Ordered Items:
- Thicc Burger
- Mentaiko Foie Gras Pasta
- Pancake Trio

In general, food was well prepared and portion sizes were reasonable. Burger was especially juicy, although the cheese and sauce (or lack thereof) lacked acidity to balance out the flavors, the ample amounts of cheese and juicy patty (it's crazy how much moisture it retained despite it's deep and crispy sear) more than made up for that made for a positively "😩👌💦" burger experience.

The pasta was delicious with a wonderfully complex and rich emulsified sauce, though overall it was a little bit on the fatty side due to the foie gras pushing it into gelat territory, I'd recommend something lighter if you're choosing to eat pasta there.

Pancakes were thick and fluffy with a lightly crisp evenly browned exterior, not much to say, they were well made. Condiments and fruits made for a nice addition of heterogeneity to the dish.

I've placed scale bars in each photo so you can decide for yourself if you'll be full when you walk out.

Burger was on the pricey side for a sandwich at $20 ($23 courting the truffle fries upgrade).
Pasta $23 was quite worth considering they placed a sizable chunk of foie gras + the really thick & complex sauce.
Pancakes; I mean it's pancakes with fruit, syrup and butter. $16 is a little on the steep side, but you pay for the quality and presentation too.
Bearing in mind this is a relatively posh area prices will tend to be more than your usual neighborhoods, so these prices aren't unexpected.