(SGD$8.80) The buttery molten cookie is filled with warm running chocolate lava. The cookie is crispy-crumbly at the outer side and chewy in the middle. There are also fine cookies crumbles sprinkled on the serving pan. This is accompanied by a rather generous scoop of ice cream. You may either have it in the ice cream bowl or have it placed atop the cookie (do note that placing the ice cream scoop on the cookie is what instantly breaks the cookie centre and results in the flowing lava). The ice cream I got was in brown butter flavour - reminiscent of salted butterscotch. Its subtly savoury hints is a perfect contrast to the richly sweet chocolate lava cookie. This cafe offers mostly unique flavours. This set's portion in its entirety may look like a reasonable dessert but it was filling for me - suffices as a lunch!

My rating: 9/10