Third day of internship today! Bought lunch from Snatch which is just opposite our office building. Picked chicken breast, ribeye steak, sweet potatoes, quinoa, edamame, beetroot, with honey mustard sauce. Used Entertainer, and I didn't notice that the voucher is for salad and broth and we were already at the counter so I was kinda forced to buy the broth too. If I had known I would've just picked one protein because it was too much for me. Also, picking two proteins was a waste of money because the ribeye steak frankly sucked, so I could only force (yes) myself to eat half of it. It was so tough to chew and so lacking in flavour. Felt like there was a lot of ligaments(??) in it too. The salad was really filling, so I barely drank my broth too. Even with 1-for-1 voucher I had to pay about $10.60, didn't feel worth it really! Oh well, hope to find a better and more value-for-money lunch tomorrow.