Hadn’t been to Hong Lim Complex Food Centre for a while especially ever since the change of work ‘hood — noticed that there has since been quite a few changes in the stalls that are operating within the hawker centre. Situated beside the ever-popular Ji Ji Noodle House on the second level, 爱吃手工面粉粿 does seem to be one of the newer additions to the food centre. Serving up Mee Hoon Kueh as its primary offering, the menu does suggest that they do also carry You Mian and Ban Mian options for the same dishes that they serve with their Mee Hoon Kueh. Patrons can also opt for add-on of their desired ingredients — the pricing board for the add-ons is being situated at the counter, while they do also offer a Dry Spicy You Mian / Ban Mian (note: not available with Mee Hoon Kueh) as well.
Going for the plain Jane rendition of the Mee Hoon Kueh that they have to offer, the Traditional Mee Hoon Kueh comes only in soup form with Mee Hoon Kueh, Ikan Bilis (optional), Shallots (optional), Minced Pork and Mani Cai. Digging into the bowl, we found that the Traditional Mee Hoon Kueh here to be especially comforting; the soup that it came with is especially clear and light — provides just enough flavour but yet doesn’t overwhelm any of the other condiments that came with it, while the Mee Hoon Kueh is clearly hand-torn here with its irregular shapes and sizes. We really liked how the Mee Hoon Kueh is like here — each piece is torn just about the right without it being particularly thick or wide; also not dense and comes with a very good chewy without being doughy. The Mani Cai provides a wholesome feel being the only green to balance against the carbs with a soft bite; the minced pork giving bouncy and chewy bite. Ikan Bilis gave the entire dish a crisp — a good contrast of texture for the entire bowl. For those who are able to tolerate a higher level of spiciness — do not give their chili a miss; we really loved how the chili provided not just a good kick to tingle the tastebuds, but also gave it a really good tanginess that really livens the whole bowl up.
Considering how the stall is seemingly set up only in the past couple of months, 爱吃手工面粉粿 does seem to have a loyal following especially during weekday lunch service — there seems to be always a short queue at the stall at any given time and the man taking orders from the crowd takes order in groups of five pax and serve them altogether before repeating the cycle all over again. Waiting time for the food doesn’t take particularly long — within the usual ranges of a busy stall during peak periods for us. Thought that the Traditional Mee Hoon Kueh was particularly comforting here — something that seemingly warms up and speaks to the soul; their dedication in serving up hand-torn Mee Hoon Kueh is their promise in serving their very best to their patrons, while the man at the counter is pretty friendly despite having to face the crowds for lunch. A stall which we would reckon is worth making a trip for — definitely something which we would look forward to having again another time!