Nothing, I swear NOTHING, gets me like a rich, oozy, runny yolk 🤤 And when you put that with some meaty comte cheese and crisp, savoury chorizo in The French Fold’s No. 5 galette — utter and absolute yuuuuumz. But, of course, moving past all those ingredients; how was the actual buckwheat galette? While I loved the nutty, earthy flavour brought out from the flour, I found the texture of the galette a letdown. It was definitely thicker and denser than the ones I remember enjoying in France, neither crispy nor thin enough, the edges and corners turning out rather dry and bland. While the top folds still boasted a slight crisp, the bottom layer unfortunately couldn’t hold up well to the fillings and ended up a thick, soggy mess. To be fair their galettes are all extremely reasonably priced and decently portioned too so this definitely wasn’t in any way a bad experience, it just fell a wee short of expectations. They are still in their early stages though, so I’m sure things’ll still change along the way and I’ll be holding my breath for that 😉