First time we wanted to try this but browsed through their menu and saw no vegetarian option so we went away. This second time we checked the screen & found only fried rice for vegetarian. 🧐 We decide to ask their staff if they can do us vegetarian udon. The staff says we can go for Classics (with cabbage, onion & egg) and top up $1 for broccoli. The packaging looks good but the taste is what matters to us! 😼
The wokhei aroma is strong even after 10 mins commuting time. We try the flavour and it is far from bland (as some might suggest). It’s actually a plus point as we think we can spice it up ourselves using ground chilli 🌢.
Two things we wish from @wokheysg is a clearer menu for vegetarians & please give us some condiments so we don’t need to use our own. 😜
We can only tell for udon but will be back for fried rice when we fancy.πŸ‘Œ