Cedele has always been a reliable option for my staples of breads & baked goods.
I remember my junior college days towards A levels, camping at the Greenwich outlet and having a healthy lunch while cramming all the studying content I could. Then treating myself, again if I could, to sweets.

Today when I get the chance to have afternoon tea of their reliable cakes, it always delights.

The green local flavor seems like something they’ve developed for National Day but was still on display in the month of Sept. Thats great cause I got a generous amount of crunch from the desiccated coconut shreds and absolutely soft Pandan sponges and cream.

The cheesecake at Cedele is smooth and melts in your mouth especially if left seating for a period of time.

Looking back… it’s been 10years since I’ve been introduced to Cedele, hoping the baked goodness never stops ✨

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