Came just like in the many photos plastered across social media - I think there was a period of time this was the trendiest food on Tiktok/IG. I might be late to the game, but still excited to dig in.

On first look, there was a decent amount of luncheon meat chunks (and I mean, CHUNKS) atop gooey scrambled eggs. Luncheon meat was alright, not the best but not the worst either. The scrambled eggs though...I think Dan Lao has got to be one of the experts in scrambled eggs. Soft, still oozing st the centre, and perfectly buttery, if this was served at a breakfast buffet spread I would just have this and nothing else. Amazing...! And after a few marvelous bites you can add in the house made chilli and BAM it gets even better with the spicy kick.

Definitely worth the queue and the wait. Come closer to 6pm for a shorter waiting time.

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