Located deep within the quiet enclave of Phoenix Park, Boufé Boutique Cafe is a charming little restaurant with a whimsically pristine setting that evokes memories of a Sunday brunch by the garden as transparent drops of dew cascade down a blade of grass, signifying the end of a rainy midsummer night. With that, I conclude the pretentious introductory passage and consequently begin the process of detailing my experience to share with you lovely readers in hopes of educating and perhaps even convincing a trip down to the location described. Talk about extra-pretentious writing, one might think that after 30 articles in the span of almost 2 months that I would cease this madness. For over 4 years, Boufé has stayed true to their philosophical approach on making every dish and ingredient in-house whenever possible. From freshly baked sourdough breads to a carefully brewed cup of coffee, the attention to detail that Boufé regards is a feat, one that would go on to serve fantastic food to hungry customers making their way into the stillness of Phoenix Park. Their steak dish, punningly named Steaks Are High ($20++) on their menu is a leaning tower of homemade onion rings rested on a seared Australian oyster blade beef steak served on top of two golden brown hash browns that are laid on top of a simple salad of roquette leaves. Quite a mouthful of words to say the least, or should I say “to say the most”. As unorthodox and rather amusing the presentation was, the oyster blade (more commonly known as the flat iron) cut was rather chewy despite being well-seasoned, and unfortunately, the onion rings felt more dry than crisp, almost as if they have been left out for some time before service. However, a triumphant duo from their Sides menu managed to pull through, with sublime Truffle Fries ($10++) that made for a wonderful appetiser alongside their Mini Mushroom Melts ($10++), which were marvellous. Great place to come down for a weekend brunch.