It's Small Potato Party ($10), Small Potatoes Ice Creamery signature parfait. Smoothness sits in a cup and quickly, you scoop up the mixing melt, together with crispy rice and azuki beans. Unique blend of Japanese Purple Kumamoto Yam in a soft serve with Himalayan Sea Salt is the mixed ice cream flavour of choice. With neither overwhelming, white is refreshingly sharp, giving the subtle purple an edge, making this enticing pairing. A purple chip you pick off and scrape with. Dig into the scoop of Japanese yam paste, subtly sweet, satisfying with your cool and smooth serve. Baby Japanese sweet potatoes peer out of your cup and ice cream delightfully lifts the heaviness in this dessert. Purple potato stick you pull out for a bite tasting like Calbee but it's salty snaps enjoyable with your sweet swirl. Green tea warabi mochi is two bites of chewy soft treat, as you discover a buried shiratama, refined and bouncy.
The flavour of this serve could be too mild for some and its price is steep for the small cup, indeed, yet I love how it's sweetness isn't overpowering with my choice of flavour mix keeping it from being a one-dimensional bore. Yummy and perfectly smooth, it's fast-melting joy and an occasional crave so I'll say try it to someone who loves sweet potato and yam like me.