Located at the heart Tanjong Pagar, Bara Food offers authentic Indonesian grilled rice in the CBD.
There is a variety of grilled rice sets to choose from. Ayam Goreng Serundeng ($14.50) features Javanese style fried chicken topped with a fried spice and herbs, while Bumbu Kemanji ($14.50) comes with stir-fried shredded chicken with lemon basil leaves. The chicken is tender, moist and flavourful. This is absolutely delicious.
Each set also comes with grilled rice, crispy Melinjo crackers, fried tofu and tempeh, and chilli. The biggest surprise has to be the rice that is wrapped in banana leaves and grilled - it is so savoury and fragrant, which reminds me of chicken rice. Even something simple like the fried tofu and tempeh are done very well (aromatic and crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside) and everything go really well with the fiery chilli. Love it!