Since the early 1980s, Ng Guan Chye starts before dawn, thoroughly cleaning and preparing the pig offals for braising, with ingredients simmered in soy sauce and herbs non-stop for over 3 hours.
The odourless braised intestines, both small and large varieties, have a tender springy chew to texture with clean savoury salty herbal earthy flavour.
The gelatinous braised pig's skin was shiny and soft, with salty savoury herbal notes. The tender braised pork belly carried meaty savoury salty flavour.
The generous bowl of soft silky kway teow / rice noodle sheets in the warm soy soup / broth carries strong herbal earthy salty grainy sweet flavour, while their chili has a nice tangy zesty sour spicy kick.
Kway Chap
Guan Kee Kway Chap
@ Toa Payoh Lorong 8 Market & Hawker Centre, 210 Toa Payoh Lorong 8 #01-24
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