This time round, Chef Patrick prepared for us a menu that is entirely different from the last, starting off with a trio of one-biters in the form of dried scallop, firefly squid and a shot of lily bulb water to cleanse the palate. Next up, we were served the sashimi of the day in which both the fatty tuna and botan shrimps were my favourite as it goes perfectly well with the shoyu foam and grated wasabi. What comes later is totally something that will melt-in-your mouth as it is the robatayaki course of grilled sea perch with shishito peppers. The fatty and oily fish is almost butter-texture while the crispy skin gives it the x-factor.

The heartwarming and soul comforting truffle chawanmushi is something that you absolutely got to get at Tamashii. Many might say how good can a steamed beaten egg with freshly shaved truffles be? Well, you’ve got to try it to believe it. The pièce de résistance and my personal highlight of the evening was my special request of the A5 Miyazaki Gyu Sando, which is a dish that the chef perfected by deep frying the wagyu beef till it’s crispy on the outside while retaining a medium rare doneness inside. It is then trimmed, brushed with an apple sauce and sandwiched between toasted buns. From the picture, you can clearly see that you do not need to use much strength to bite into it and I clearly savour every one of it. With such an extensive menu, you will surely get a different dining experience each time you are at Tamashii for the chef tasting menu.
✨ Tamashii Robataya
📍 12 North Canal Road, Unit 02-01, The Offshore Building, Singapore 048825
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