Indulgence Friday. Although the price of $6.80 for this bowl of noodles might put you away a little. All that was needed was one spoonful of the Bak chor to make it all worthwhile. The abalone was fresh, tender and easy to chew off, along with the scallops, they were a luxury to have for eating Bak Chor mee. An interesting twist to it was also the Japanese style egg which I personally felt that was up to those ramen places or even slightly better! The Bak Chor was mushy and the fatty meat was just too shiok! A small slice of carrot was also given and gosh it was sweet and soft, full of delight. The only disappointment was the fried fishball which felt a little oily and too salty. Last but not least, the mee Pok. Noodles were thick and makes one feels it worth, chili was superb, not too spicy, and it was a really good mix! Must eat for Bak Chor Mee lovers!