The Milky Way

$7.00 · 16 Reviews

I would give this place a 4/5 rating.
food was above average, though it is nothing to go crazy for. Ordered the risotto, soba and truffle fries.
The risotto and truffle fries were above expectations while the soba was slightly disappointing.

Ordered Latte and Milky Way as my coffee of choice. satisfied with the coffee here, especially with the milky way

This was so so so good! Pricey and a little steep for your usual cuppa joe but this was so deliciously malty and creamy in mouthfeel. I loved how there were almost milk chocolate notes melding with the malt and a rather pleasant finishing of sweetness. I don’t think it’s coffee-forward, but it did give me a lil buzz!

White cold brew coffee in a pretty bottle- refreshing for a hot Sunday morning!

Rating: 4/5

The tart (or is it a pie?) had a good amount of zest and citrus, and the filling was light and airy with a mousse-like consistency. The crust was soft and buttery, and crumbled upon contact with the fork. I recommend trying this. The lime rinds sprinkled on top was a nice touch. A pretty photogenic tart.
The Milky Way bottled cold crew was milky as expected, but very linear in taste. It lacked the coffee punch, but as the name suggests, it is meant to be a milky beverage. The dairy will take centre stage. SGD 7 is a little steep. I love the bottle design though!
📍Atlas Coffeehouse, 6 Duke's Rd, Singapore 268886
💰SGD ~7


#UmamiMon #Burpple #AtlasCoffee #KeyLimePie #LimePie #Pie #Tart #Cafe #SingaporeCafe

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I like the creamy soba noodles and the lime & yogurt sauce makes the food more appetizing! The Milky Way coffee is a good option to complete the meal! :)

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V60 Filter Coffee: $6
quite fruity (read: acidic/sour)

The Milky Way (White Cold Brew): $6.50
milky and smooth!