Fugu Mirin Bisho with Spicy Mayo

$25.00 ยท 2 Reviews

When night falls, head to this two-storey space in Tanjong Pagar for excellent sumiyaki (charcoal-grilled) Japanese bar bites and whiskeys. Its bare brick walls and mellow lighting create an inviting environment that's great for unwinding after work with your colleagues. Share the addictive Fugu Mirin Bisho with Spicy Mayo ($25, chewy strips of grilled dehydrated puffer fish) to start, alongside a classic Old Fashioned ($25). For the best deal, choose one of the Whisky Flight and Food options โ€” a flight gets you four whiskeys from around the world, and a set of four skewers at just $12 (one skewer usually goes for $6). The East Meet West ($37) flight is a great introduction to the world of whisky. To supplement, order the outstanding Piman Niku ($6) โ€” Japanese capsicum stuffed with minced chicken, cartilage and yuzu peel โ€” and the delectable Hotate Bacon ($9). The latter is a combination of juicy Hokkaido scallop and beautifully grilled bacon, which Burppler Hwans Lim describes as a "match-made in gastronomy heaven". For the adventurous, also try their interesting Almond Beancurd Cocktail ($23).
Avg Price: $60 per person
Photo by Burppler Hwans Lim


Essentially a Chinese New Year-style sendup of the barbecued lovechild of a torrid love affair between a handsome, Armani-haired piglet and Ariel from the Little Mermaid. (Yes, it's fish bak kwa.) The danger this puffer fish poses isn't of death, but instead the addiction-driven and likely fast-paced greedy gorging on these chewy, sticky pieces of fishy pleasure. 4/5
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This was a hosted meal, courtesy of The Wall.
