I guess this place is really new!! Cus I couldn't find the location tag hahahahah! Okay so I actually found out abt this place through a live band that I'm following and they perform here every Friday!

So this was what I ate! Pulled Pork burger! (Photo was blur cus there's sth wrong with my phone these days that I can't focus) So the verdict is ........ TADAHHHH 😋😋 I think it's quite tasty and the pork serving is very generous!! I was quite full after that!

Their food menu is quite sg-style as they serve dishes like Laksa pasta, dry wanton mee etc

I would recommend people to explore this new place because you get to eat nice food and listen to great music!

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I ate 3 plates of sushi and 1 chawanmushi and ordered 1 cup of green tea (refillable) and it costs $12.50 in total!! I REALLY like the choices of sushi at Genki because I'm a rather abnormal sushi eater who doesn't eat sashimi, unagi sushi etc! So the choices on Genki's menu suited me very well!! 😃😃 I heard the rice bowls are good too but have yet to try!! Will try next time!


First time at Switch by Timbre!! 😃 We ordered pizza and the pizza here is pretty good!! The pizza is filled with generous serving of meat and other ingredients!! I also love the atmosphere here and the great music by the live band!! What a great night here!!


Yeahhhhh!! Some ang ku kueh for tea break today!! This has got to be the BEST ang ku kueh I have tasted in Singapore!! The owner is really generous with the fillings and I like how the skin is not too thick so I don't feel like just eating the flour only!! The ang ku kueh that I just ate still feels warm which means it's freshly made!! YAYY!!

Very very nice Korean bbq meat here!! The meat are marinated with the right level of taste and saltiness! Here they also serve side dishes that are 👍🏻 I love the kimchi and mayo potato!! Would definitely recommend my friends to come here!! 😄😄


I've been to Nana's for perhaps 3 times and I really love their rice dishes!! This dish is sooooo good because there is a huge portion of fried chicken and also healthy and fresh veggies to make a balanced meal! The serving size is quite big so I couldn't manage to finish everything!! During lunchtimes there's lunch promotion so it's really worth it to try this out! Will definitely come back again to try out more dishes!! :))


This place looks cosy and the waiter/waitress seem friendly! So I tried this bento which costs $12.90 before service charge! I think it tasted fantastic! And it's very filling too as you are served with many different side dishes! Definitely value for money! Hmmm but I'm not sure if the food contains slightly too much msg? Because I was quite thirsty after the meal 🤔🤔


First time trying here! It's a nice and cosy cafe which looks very new!! And I heard from my friend this cafe is pretty new! It isn't crowded on normal days I guess which means this could be a good hideout place for ppl who want to have some 'peace' HAHA! The charcoal waffle tastes really crispy and good!! Baileys flavour icecream was unique!! I tried this flavour which was recommended by the shop (but can't rmb the name oops) but sadly it didn't suit my taste bud because it has nuts! So maybe nuts lovers would love it!!

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This tasted great! But there are days when the waffles tasted even better so maybe the quality can be more consistent!! But overall still great!! And I love these 2 ice cream flavours!! Pandan icecream is sooooo unique!! You can't find it easily at other areas! As for cookies and cream, it's my usual favourite and the cookies and cream here is so GOOD because you can taste the cookies in every mouth of the ice cream! TOTALLY LOVE IT!!
