One of the “Big Three” Unagi Specialty Restaurants in 🇸🇬. So which is the best?
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With a rich history of over a century, @unagiyaichinoji is Miyagawa Honten’s first overseas outpost in 🇸🇬 and operates 20 outlets in 🇯🇵 alone. Famed for their expert grilling techniques and secret in-house sauces, you absolutely won’t want to miss this place if you’re a unagi lover. Of course you’d want to try all 3 unagi restaurants to determine which is the best right😉?
👉Unagi Hitsumabushi (L) - SGD39.80
👉Grilled Squid - SGD14.80
👉Black Sesame Ice Cream - SGD2.80
The unagi here is prepared Kanto style, which means that the eel is first grilled without seasoning, then steamed, then grilled again with their special sauce. Because of the steaming step, the unagi is actually softer and more tender, but lacks that crisp skin which I desire. Overall, I still enjoyed their Unagi Hitsumabushi a lot! Special mention goes out to their Black Sesame Ice Cream, which was better than I expected😂.
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❗️Get 10% off @unagiyaichinoji by purchasing a SGD50/100 voucher at SGD45/90 (SGD5/10 off) on ChopeDeals.
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📍Unagiya Ichinoji
30 Robertson Quay 01-05, S238251