✏ : Kurobata Pork Platter for 2 ($88.80) - Consist of Kurobata pork belly, jowl, collar and loin. Traditional Japanese grill over charcoal which gives the pork the extra bbq fragrance 👍🏼 The set also provides assorted vegetables and other sides dishes as well. Do check out their store as they currently have a promotion of $40 off for every $100 spent! Worth the value 😄

✏ : Ramen Keisuke Tonkotsu King | Four Seasons Ramen Autumn ($12.90) - Thick tonkotsu soup infused with fried assorted mushrooms coupled with the MUST try bonito flakes which flavored the broth generously. Not forgetting about their runny onsen egg, stir fried pork and seaweed for just $4. Definitely worth for money 👍🏼
