Quite a small portion of buttermilk chicken (pictured) for RM14.50. This is their large size.

The buttermilk chicken was okay but not spectacular. We also ordered sweet sour Japanese tofu and egg. Fresh fruit juice was good too and only RM3.50 for small & RM5 to go large. (Affordable!!)

Overall it was an enjoyable meal and affordable too. Just don't put too high expectation on the buttermilk chicken as it tastes pretty much the same as any other place that sells buttermilk dishes.

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Quite possibly one of the cheapest and healthiest dessert option?

Tofufah was warm with just the right amount of sweetness to it. Definitely warms up the tummy without leaving you feeling bloated.

The place is quite nicely decorated as well, very home-y.

RM16 each. Quite pricey for a plate of Kuey Tiaw, which is a local dish in Malaysia. You can get it at most kopi tiams for half the price.

The crab meat one was nice. Generous crab meat on top of the Kuey Tiaw, along with clam meat and prawns. The prawn and clam were good, but there's this 腥 smell for the crab meat. Just my luck maybe?

Our verdict: not worth the price

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Basically what its name suggests. The makirito is a sushi / burrito. Hahha well technically it's just a really huge sushi roll. It also feels something like subway but with sushi rice instead of bun.

I like it. It's refreshing. Tastes good and filling, though you might overestimate and think it won't be satisfying due to its size. I would say it's a good try. But probs won't go back too often for it as it is quite pricey imho. But well aren't all sushi places exp? Hmm

A bit pricey. The total for two amounted to RM85+
The burger was okay. Worth trying. I think I loved the fries more than the burger tho. Milk shake was okay but presentation could be better seeing as they're charging Rm13 per milkshake.

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The soup and pork are both very flavorful. RM7 for small portion with egg. A nice try for me and will definitely be back if I'm around the area.

The name is a mouthful, but def one of the best nachos I've had. The cheese was divine, not too cheesy, just right. And the minced pork dipping which they served separately was spicy and flavorful. 😍

