I had the Mazesoba with Cod Roe with Mayonnaise and it was so good!!! First time here because of the Burpple deal and would definitely be back again. Love how they have the squeezy bottle with chilli oil and vinegar. To me the Cod Roe one was nicer than the All Toppings one. Will be back!

Was honestly disappointed when the cake was not the same as the one I last had, which was also the one I first had and fell in love with. Used to love it so much, especially the cream cheese frosting. The new version had coconut shavings (I think) on it which wasn't to my liking. I'm not sure if it is still called Carrot Walnut Cake, but that's how I remembered it to be when it was that beautiful three layered cake with the amazing cream cheese frosting and a piece of whole walnut stuck to the side of the cake. Would probably not get it again until they change it, or better still change back to the old one 🌚 But then again, the current one is definitely less time consuming and easier to be made compared to the three layers with the frosting in between and around. Still love carrot cakes despite all!!! 🥕🎂

First time trying Bhutanese food and would say that it's interesting. Googled on the type of food that people in Bhutan eat and understood why the dish I had was created. They love chilli and cheese, therefore the Roasted Vegetables Chilli Cheese Stew. It is definitely not a dish that Singaporeans will like. Not really much of a 'hate it or love it', but more like a 'okay with it or not okay with it' kinda thing for these two soups. If you're not the adventurous kind of person to try new things, would definitely not recommend. If you're the anything also eat kind of person, then it definitely won't hurt to try 😀 (Oh yes and the only reason we tried thjs was because there was a 1-for-1 going on) (But no ragrets because try new thing lor) 🌚
