πŸ“·from @cassakating who always does these brilliant white space shots.

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admit it, everyone who visits will definitely get one of these for themselves! Its good and cheap! whats more to expect, especially when it is soft served icecream (our little secret: soft serves are water based hence less fattening than the cream based ones) so its okay to allow ourselves to indulge in these little happiness once in a while 😍

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the fries cant go wrong and it didnt went wrong. Fascinated with how the ordering system collabs with technology but the burger turns out not up to expectation πŸ˜•


first attempt was a great start!! At about less than $5, we get to enjoy these little goodies 😍😍 definitely something i will go for again, maybe a different flavour for tryouts!

honest feedback: it really tastes good but i felt that its slightly more pricey compared to others, however, im definitely going back again!! just not as often πŸ˜…

its like the calm before the storm..... i am a meat lover since birth and i have never discarded any forms and types of meat until........ now.


CHOCOBANANA!!!!!! waffleicecream and fries together.... this combination IS MY FAV!! The waffle is crispy and the chocolate icecream blended well with banana. Its acceptable for a notafanofchocolateicecreamlover hence I hereby conclude its affordable and nice i will definitely recommend to all πŸ˜›πŸ‘πŸΌ

never disappoints me even when i choose a different flavour (berrylicious) over my usual (chocobanana) πŸ˜‚ but the combination are marvelous & almost all the dishes got me drooling... whats more, the fragrance of the pies (not in the picture) are heavenly to extent you can smell them at least two tables away!

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first try & its really nice!! but........ for those who are going to try it, becareful of the sauce flowing downwards cause i ordered hershel and realised i didnt have it with my cookies and cream because it was all on my shirt!! i had to go to the toilet for a few times to get the mess done πŸ˜”

this place has always been my need-waffle-ice-cream-must-go place i really loveee the waffle icecream there! if one didnt notice, theres actually a nice fragrance in the waffles. recommended icecream flavours: toffee coffee, strawberry cheesecake and minty!! do try it πŸ˜€

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really tooo gooood i loveeee the garlic one βœ”οΈ Louisiana is a good recommendation but my friend and i tried the hot one its not that nice should have chosen atomic 😭


its not that bad............ but im not sure if i will go back again.. the waffles isnt that crispy enough and the icecream melts quite fastt so i ended up having the waffle with melted icecream????