Not for me though. Just too it to test out the BOKEHHHH of iPhone. #iphonegraphy #fruitbeer #Grub #Dinner #holidays #endofinternship #yummyyyy

🍩 #KrispyKreme #Green #Tea #Milo #Breakfast

🍩 #KrispyKreme #Green #Tea #Milo #Breakfast

With salad and Bucket Rice. #Salad #Dinner #Yummylicious

Apple crumble with chocolate bellaccino #supper

When you really get sick of sandwiches. #chicken #rice #7Eleven #Dinner #break #lazy

All of these within a day in school. #M&M #chocolate #coffee #NIPS #Cravings

IMMA ADDICTED TO ALL THIS. #Daim #Chocolate #Tidbits #Yummy

Freshly deep fried shrimp wantons for lunch. Made this with my brother! (: #Lunch #Wanton #Prawn #Delicious
