It's been 9 years since ah ma left us, my memories of her is just those times when she is pissed off at her grandchildren when we play in the living room/ switch tv channels, her painful moments in the hospital.. and just saying her skin is really the most silky smooth I have ever seen! hope she's happily together with ah gong and doing well in another world #清明节 #qingmingfestival #李家 #leefamily #ancestors #incensepaper #food #filialpiety

Time flies, it's been 13 years since he left us. Year after year, rain or shine, we will definitely come here during this tomb-sweeping day to pay respects to him. Kind of miss him, still vaguely remember holding his hand and bringing him to McDonalds to eat, still remember the weekly Sunday family gatherings at his house.. still remember buying shark fin soup for him to eat when he was in the hospice...All the fond childhood memories! now? I can only say, 树倒猴孙散..sigh #清明节 #qingmingfestival #李家 #leefamily #ancestors #incensepaper #food #kopi-o #filialpiety

roast pork w crackers 🐷 #dinner #temple #神坛 #普庵宮

(fake) shark fins #dinner #temple #神坛 #普庵宮

Starters. #dinner #temple #神坛 #普庵宮

massive cafe w a really nice ambiance #beijing #china #maancoffee #cafe

books and shelves #beijing #china #maancoffee #cafe #bookshelves

waffles feast #beijing #china #maancoffee #cafe

exploring the best cafe recommended by a noc beijing friend! #beijing #china #cafe

complimentary free-flow bread with homemade marmalades and butter #beijing #china #brunch